10 Essential .Net Interview Questions to Prepare for
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.Net developers need to know a wide range of skills and information. Here's how to prepare for the top ten most-asked .net interview questions!

Analysts and sci-fi creatives have predicted it for years: Our society is increasingly online, and coding is the language of the 2020s

Whether you've been a .net dev for years or are just starting out, it's the perfect time to snag a job in the field. The industry is surging, and jobs aplenty are just waiting for you to apply. 

There's no limit to diversity in development roles, but just as with any other industry, there are some typical .net interview questions that you're likely to come up against as you apply for your next dev position. 

To help you out, here are 10 .net core interview questions to prepare for.

1. Know the .Net Basics

Explain the components of .net, including the key class library and common language runtime. Note that .net development supports OOP.

2. What Is OOP?

Object-oriented programming, or OOP, involves working with classes of modules, and the properties of polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction.

3. Explain OOP Inheritance

In OOP inheritance, subclasses (or "child" classes) are based on others. For example, "apple" might be a subclass of "fruit."

4. C#: Do You Know the Difference Between Constants and Read-Only?

Constants are created during compilation and cannot be changed after. Read-only is assigned at run time.

5. Explain CTS and CLR

  • CTS: Common type system—contains the data types' rules
  • CLR: Common language runtime—often the secure foundation for an app

6. What Is Managed Code?

Managed code is run through CLR, which most notably manages memory.

7. What Does Unmanaged Code Refer To?

Unmanaged code is written not in C#, but in another language such as C++. It is attached to the native code, so developers have to manage memory and other aspects manually.

8. What Is an Assembly, and What Is It Made Of?

An assembly is a collection of logical units or resources. It is executable and can be moved.

9. What Is Caching, and How Is It Used? 

Data stored temporarily in the system's memory for easier access and higher processing speeds.

10. Compare .Net Interfaces With Abstract Classes

Unlike .net interfaces, abstract classes do not allow development. .Net interfaces are much broader in scope and more flexible.

Tackle Those .Net Interview Questions Today

It's time to get you a new job—Really. 

You know your dream developer position is out there, and if you're up to date on all the most popular .net interview questions, you've got it in the bag.

You've got the drive, the smarts—So why not take this shot at improving your life? As I said, there really are tons of development jobs out there, and there's a large community of tech professionals that has your back, too.

So study up and get those applications going. You never know—This could be your big break!

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