The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.
In this
fantastic article on Medium by Eric Elliott, he talks about many of the
techniques that work and don’t work for interviewing engineers.
In regards
to what works the best, I found that these 2 ideas work the best when combined.
candidates to work on a simple project and then discuss it with our team has
almost single handedly eliminated any bad hiring decisions. Paying a candidate
that gives you a terrible solution (or no solution) is FAR cheaper (both
financially and emotionally) than hiring the wrong person, going through a 3
month performance improvement plan to try to make them the right person and
eventually firing them.
We have gone
from “This candidate is exactly what we need” to “I have serious doubts about
working with this candidate long term” and we’ve had candidates change our bad
perception of them using this technique. It’s very easy for someone to
embellish (to put it generously) their resume, and coding trivia can be
memorized, but it’s really hard for someone to fake actual skill.
Here’s why paying candidates to solve
problems works
For the Employer
Since the
candidate is getting paid, the candidate treats it as a legit consulting
session and therefore gives her best effort in solving the problem.
It’s an
indication to the candidate how they will be treated in the near future if they
decide to join.
It allows a
mock work interaction with the candidate at a very low risk cost to you. After
the project is complete, you can bring the candidate in and ask them questions
about their actual design/coding decisions. This lets you get a sense of how
they communicate, take criticism/questioning and if they are able to provide
solid reasoning behind their choices.
For the Candidate
It gives the
candidate a real life sense of how you interact with people on the team
Allows them
to showcase some of the skills that are on their resume, but may not pop from
just reading it
Allows them
to give you a sense of what they feel is important in a non-judgmental way. For
example, did the person write a test for every line of code? No? Maybe that’s
not really important to them and maybe that’s totally valid. You’d never get
that from just asking them do you do TDD? Everyone will say tests are
important…and they are. The thing most people disagree about is how important,
this will show that.
I have 6 rules when giving this
interview method
RULE #1?—?Give them the weekend to
solve the problem.
This is where
I and Eric slightly disagree. 2 hours just isn’t enough time to see how well
someone can come up with an appropriate solution.
What I like
to do is invite them to the office on a Friday and go over the problem at hand
and how I would like for them to solve it. Then I’ll hand it off to them and
set up time on Monday to review their solution.
I’ll provide
them with certain technologies that should be used for the solution and let
them use other tools or technologies at their discretion. For example, I may say
please use functional reactive principles in JS to solve this problem, but the
decision of using Kefir, Bacon, or RX is left up to them.
RULE #2?—?DON’T use a real problem
because of tribe knowledge needed to fix.
This goes
hand in hand with Rule #1, but unless you’re hiring a customer service rep,
it’s almost impossible to hand someone a computer and say OK, Fix this issue
happening in our proprietary system using the tools that normally everyone gets
properly trained on.
Give a
problem that is very self-contained.
RULE #3?—?The solution you’re
expecting should be clear, but open for improvement.
For example.
If I’m interviewing a web developer, I’ll give him a sample clear scenario:
Create a single page app that lets me
enter movies in my home movie collection, store them in offline storage and
search through them. I want to search by Genre, Title & Actors.
I actually
don’t tell them further directions like use web storage vs cookies, or make it
responsive on multiple platforms and use a custom stylesheet. I leave that up
to them. Some choose to do what we asked, and some do much more.
In the end,
what matters is that we like the end result.
I don’t say
“I like movies, create me a nice movie website”, or “How would you architect
IMDB if you had to create it from scratch.” I want the task to be simple enough
that the engineer can provide a solution and challenging enough so they can use
their skills to create something special.
RULE #4?—?Let them present their
solution to a group on Monday.
The biggest
issue I have seen with tech hires is that they can become very defensive over
their solution. I will purposely challenge their solution to see how they
If they get
defensive, it’s an immediate no-go. Remember, there’s a difference between
defending which is good and being defensive which is bad. The difference is
that the former is based on rational facts, the other is based on emotion.
A key aspect
of this is that everyone in the group MUST come prepared, having looked through
the solution.
RULE #5?—?Write the problem down for
them to take home.
Be clear
about what technologies, tools and look you’re after, and the standards being
judged. At the same time, leave the final solution open enough that the
candidate can add their own flair. Let them ask you any questions they have on
Friday, and make sure to be available for their questions via email over the
weekend. The goal is to create an environment of success (hopefully like you
would for an employee).
RULE #6?—?Pay them immediately on Monday
Hire them or
not, something about giving them a check after they present their solution is
the best way to start or end a relationship.
Another way
to do this is to use June [disclaimer: I’m a co-founder there] to facilitate
the interview and payment.
To hire or not to hire that is the
Indicators you should hire this
During the
meeting on Friday they asked a lot of clarifying questions
questions were thought out and made sure that nothing was misunderstood
The solution
addressed your problem using the technologies and techniques you prescribed
They read
the entire problem and followed the instructions correctly (i.e. if the problem
said use PostgreSQL, they didn’t give you queries that only work on Oracle
Indicators you shouldn’t hire this
They refuse
to do the project because “someone will hire me without it”.
complete the project correctly
They can’t
articulate their design/coding decisions and why they were made.
They get
defensive when presenting their solution
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