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Tomorrow’s Jobs: A New Reality
Rebekah Carter, Xrtoday 513 Times 300 People

The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.

The concept of a “virtual reality” designer was something you would read about in a Sci-Fi book or see on television, but it wasn’t a career you could train for. There was no such thing as an engineer for augmented reality technology, or an MR developer.

With the rise of new technology comes new roles that companies are keen to fill with talented new professionals. As the Extended Reality (XR) environment continues to evolve, we’re left to wonder what the jobs of tomorrow might look like.

A New Future for Developers and Designers

We’ve seen a massive transformation in the way that schools prepare their students for the workplace of tomorrow. Many of the professionals in the business world today were taught the basics of math, writing, science, and similar topics when they went to school.

Today’s youngsters can learn everything from coding for beginners, to how to work with software as a service.

As disruptive technology continues to change the way we live and work, the next generation is preparing for a new influx of jobs that look beyond the realm of our physical reality.

Not too long from now, we could be sending our children to school to take VR programming classes. Already, various universities and teaching institutions are delivering classes through virtual and augmented reality tools.

The good news for the future careers of XR professionals is that the opportunity for learning is everywhere. There are courses online that can teach you all about creating content in Unreal Engine, and solutions that will guide you through the basics of Microsoft Mesh and what it might mean to build a “mixed reality” collaborative meeting room.

Many of the Extended Reality solutions appearing on the market today are just a way to build on the skills and talents that are already becoming commonplace among the modern developers and designers of our time.

Just as we adapted to add 3D content to websites, and AR filters to apps, we’ll also see mixed reality holograms appearing more frequently in the future.

XR Introduces Endless New Opportunities

Extended reality will provide access to endless new jobs in the future, from people who design VR environments for companies, to the engineers that build the hardware that makes wearable solutions so immersive.

We could also see a future where jobs happen a lot more often in the MR space. Even if you don’t know how to code your own AR engineering system, you might use a set of smart glasses to avoid flicking through manuals when you’re at work.

You may not know much about how VR works. Still, the chances are that many jobs in the future will involve stepping into virtual reality environments, where you can interact with colleagues and friends through a headset and an internet connection.

The roles available through XR are exciting enough in their own right. However, it’s not just the creation of new jobs that we have to look forward to in the years ahead. Extended Reality will create new careers, but it will also augment, reshape and redesign the ones we have today.

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